How to setup Xbox 360 Guitar Hero guitars on RPCS3.


  • This instrument requires an Xbox 360 Wireless Gaming Receiver for Windows to connect to your computer.

Xbox 360 Wireless Gaming Receiver for Windows

Pad Information

Handlers Devices
XInput XInput Pad
Device Class Device Subtype
Guitar Guitar Hero


By default, XInput has most things bound correctly. You only need to adjust the following:

UNMAP THE FOLLOWING or guitar solos will auto-strum!
Use Right Click to unmap a button.

RPCS3 XInput Guitar
L2 Left Trigger Solo Modifier

Change the following or blue and yellow frets will be inverted!

RPCS3 XInput Guitar
Square Y Button Yellow Fret
Triangle X Button Blue Fret

Guitar Hero controllers tend to misbehave and refuse to map sometimes. If you try mapping a button and always get “U+” or something similar, click “Filter Noise” at the bottom left of the controller configuration window then try mapping.



[Download Profile]

  • Tilt can be set up but it is very complicated and will take up the Select button. You will have have to mess with “Filter Noise” until it catches the tilt accelerometer. It’s suggested to not bother with this and not use tilt.
    • To bind multiple buttons to one RPCS3 button, hold Shift then click on the RPCS3 button you want to assign multiple buttons to.
RPCS3 Guitar
Cross Green Fret
Circle Red Fret
Square Yellow Fret
Triangle Blue Fret
L1 Orange Fret
D-Pad: Up Strumbar Up
D-Pad: Down Strumbar Down
D-Pad: Left D-Pad: Left
D-Pad: Right D-Pad: Right
Right Stick:
Whammy Bar
Select (Not recommended) Tilt
Start Start
Select Back
PS Button Home

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Mapped by [gonakil1ya]